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JG thoughts…..

So what’s this all about I hear you say…….Well JG has decided to venture into the world of publishing and my first book based on my Great Grandfathers career in the Police is now out.

Many know me through my social media presence and of course my involvement with the Police service I give on a voluntary basis. At time of writing this first book I am serving with Dorset Constabulary.

No secret I am passionate about Policing coming from a long history in my family of those in the job. I have an insight and understanding of what each and every Police Officer faces. My connections in this world go from very senior Officers to many front line Police teams UK wide.

Off the back of this passion I created my first book Called “So you wanna be a peeler Eh Boy” an historic tale from 1890s early 1900s England showing the then and now of the job like no other. Go and have a look at our main website, this will tell you all about our aims and objectives.

You can buy a copy of this great little book by going over to the other website here at .

The plan is to write more as things develop some great ideas are already in the mix for this venture. I have created a team to work alongside me as we grow into this world of publishing.

Please check out the website above it tells you all about phase one and the book that’s going to be in demand. This book is designed to be able to fit in your pocket or bag so you can take this out with you. The great thing about this is my Police family it can easily fit in to a pouch to read during the rare moments they get a break.

So you now have the opportunity to purchase a piece of history a read that will move you, will make you think and will show you how committed to the role of Police Constable my Great Grandfather was. I am very proud to be able to share this with you all.

John Greenfield August 14th 2020:

You can contact me here> I’ll try and answer all emails as quickly as possible.